Child Nutrition Programs in Calgary-North East
Are you worried about what your child eats at the daycare facility? You can keep aside all your worries if your child is at ESG Child Play Care Centre. The meals we offer are appealing and healthy, and are home-cooked by our owner Estelita. We create plans based on your child’s needs and provide meals based on child nutrition programs in Calgary-North East. Also, we thoroughly follow the Canada Food Guide in order to prepare well-balanced and nutritious meals and snacks.
At our facility, all of our teachers pass a rigorous screening process. Although we will offer food anytime a child asks, we do have a scheduled breakfast, morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack times. In the regular daycare program at our facility, your child will receive a hot lunch and two wholesome snacks every day. If your child has any sort of allergies, kindly let us know so we can take the necessary precautions. Also, we are a nut-free facility for your convenience. Call us today to learn more, and take a look at the list below to learn more about the snacks and meals we serve:
Pancakes, English muffins, waffles, fruit and yogurt, croissant, and toast
Assorted soups such as rice, chicken, beef barley, vegetable etc., spaghetti, chicken nuggets, beef or chicken with noodles and sauce, lasagna, and sandwiches
Homemade cookies, homemade snacks such as banana, blueberry, fruit, cheese, yogurt, and carrot cakes